Drive Down Energy, Drive Down Carbon, Take Control

Our unique smart motors can reduce your energy consumption by up to 60%, save your business lots of money and take a big chunk out of your carbon targets.

Sound interesting? We think there’s a lot to like.

Case Study

‘Cleanroom environment’ Success

When a global life sciences leader challenged itself to reduce energy consumption by 10%, in the West of England in a single financial year, they passed the baton to us to see how much we could contribute with our Future Motors tech solution. The numbers speak for themselves!

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Case Study

A hugely healthier club environment

600,000 members and over 800 employees are sprinting their way to a superior level of air quality at one of Europe’s leading leisure groups. This follows a successful roll out of Future Motors smart tech instigated by a forward thinking sustainability manager who also has ambitious plans to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by 2030.

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Counting the savings...

One of the first companies to have a Carbon Reduction Officer sitting on the main board, a Big Four accountancy firm has just counted the energy savings at its Global HQ in London after agreeing to install our unique Fan Array solution.

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Case Study

Save Money and Cut Carbon

This luxury car manufacturer came to us looking for the latest cutting-edge solutions to help make their UK factory more energy efficient, and they were not disappointed. We need to keep their name under our hat, but we can reveal that they were delighted with the results and are recommending us to all of their manufacturing mates.

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Latest News

18 September, 2024

41% ‘cut’ in energy at leading arts and entertainment Institute

One of the world’s leading arts and entertainment institutes has switched belts and pulleys for Future Motors smart motor tech.

4 September, 2024

Luxury motor manufacturer gearing up for a further 40% energy savings with Future Motors Fan Array tech.

Future Motors is anticipating another 40% of energy savings for a luxury motor manufacturer.

8 August, 2024

Waving in even more savings for East of England based City Council.

It’s just the start for this East of England City Council who have achieved blended energy savings of 26% with Future Motors.

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